Saturday 28 January 2012

Bad Blogger!

It's been six months or thereabouts since I last looked at this blog. Six whole months. Why is that? I guess I could make the typical excuse of life moving on and getting in the way, and although to some extent that is true, I know that if I would have really wanted to make the effort, it wouldn't have been too difficult to get on here and write a post occasionally. I have, however, once more decided to start writing posts on here again. Call it a belated New Year's resolution, or something.

In September I started university and it's certainly been an experience. New people, new sights, new city; a new life. I'm glad I took the opportunity to move to a different city, and to go to university, as I'm sure it's going to be a life-changing experience; already I see that for me it's a part of growing up, and trying to find myself as a person. In a sense, although I really went to university to further my studies, it's like my life is really beginning here.

As for my studies, on Monday I begin my second semester of my first year. Last semester went reasonably well, but not quite as well as I would have liked. I struggled at first to get used to the style expected in assignments, accustomed instead to the essay-writing at a-level standard. However, as the weeks went by my marks improved, and I soon hope to have my exam results back also. I know already that most of my modules have been passed, so I'm not too worried about the outcome of the exams.

As the new semester rolls around, my modules for the year are; Romanticism, which looks at poets such as Keats, Byron, Blake, Wordsworth and Coleridge; Shakespeare, a module that I'm excited to get started on because I've always wanted to read more of his works; Crime Fiction, which will include the Sherlock Holmes mysteries, along with the writings of Agatha Christie; and lastly Bildungsroman, where I will get to read the works of Dickens and Charlotte Bronté, just to name a couple. Evidently, I have an interesting semester ahead of me.

In general then, as I aim to get the blog up and running again, I will once more be focusing my posts on my general interest in music, sport and literature. I shall be aiming to diversify my taste in both my reading and in my album-listening habits, taking albums from the lists on the 1001 Series site as well, as I go. So without further ado, this brings my long absence to a close, and let's see if I can finally commit to posting regularly once again.



  1. Good luck with your new semester Ben, and also with all the other challenges you have set yourself. I don't know where you find the time to do it all!

    Hayley (Chaliepud!)

  2. Thank you very much, Hayley! Sometimes I don't either, but somehow I'll manage. :D

